Thursday, September 25, 2008

Chicka Chicka Boom boom

I've used Bill Martin Jr.'s Chicka Chicka Boom Boom book to teach all four of my kids their ABC's. It's fun, colorful, and repetitious.

In my opinion asa former teacher's aide and literacy tutor, books that are repetitive help kids (and adults) learn to read faster. They give them more confidence because they know what to expect and will start to recognize the words in other contexts.

There are several activities that can be done with this book. One of my favorites is to draw a coconut tree and put it up on your fridge with some alphabet magnets. As you read the story, have your kids find the right letter and add it to the tree. Before ya know it, they'll have letter recognition down pat.

If you'd rather not have your fridge covered in magnets, you can print out these coloring sheets and let your kids color along while you read the story.

If you're a teacher or homeschooler, you might find this literature unit helpful. It's full of great ideas to go along with the book.

My four year old still loves Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and we've been reading it practically her whole life!

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